Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Let Them Eat Advil"

Fight fire with water.  Fight water with... something that would soak it up.  A sponge, I guess.  Fight a sponge with fire.

And fight teabaggers with satire.

They call themselves the Billionaires for Wealthcare.  Their motto; "If we ain't broke, don't fix it."  Their mission; maintain the status quo by any means necessary.

From the Billionaires for Wealthcare Web site

Billionaires for Wealthcare is a grassroots network of health insurance CEOs, industry lobbyists, talk-show hosts, and others profiting off of our broken health care system.
We are not a political, religious or even particularly well-organized group. We're simple folk, thrilled profiteers pouring out of our corner offices to dance on the grave of "Change."
We'll do whatever it takes to ensure another decade where your pain is our gain. After all, when it comes to healthcare, if we ain't broke, why fix it?

Coming soon to a TEAparty near you.


  1. I love the perplexed looks in the first video from 44 - 55 seconds lol.

    That second video is gold! I've gotta post that on facebook!

  2. Brilliant. The best part is that so many of those people had no clue that they were being made fun of.
