Tuesday, September 1, 2009

30 posts in 30 days

What's the best way to get off your lazy ass and write?

Beats me.  But I'm gonna try setting really high goals this month and then attempt to guilt myself into following up.  So, here's the deal:

One post per day, for thirty days.  I won't bother choking this  commitment down with rules and whatnot.  No manditory length, content or multimedia filler.  If I feel like writing two thousand words about Sally Kern or Batman, great.  If I just want to post a picture I took and maybe type a line or two afterwards, that's fine too.  Just as long as something shows up on the blog for thirty consecutive days.

Piece of cake, right?

Oh, and this entry doesn't even count for today.  Yeah.  That's how badass I am today.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I've done those challenges on occasion, too. I look forward to reading your blog each day this month. :)
