Friday, January 7, 2011

Comics Industry Postmortems and Predictions

Bleeding Cool's Rich Johnston posted an interesting look back on comic book sales trends from 2010, as well as a few predictions about the comics industry in the new year.  "Interesting" might be a bit of a subjective term on this one, so I'll qualify it by saying that it's probably more interesting to those of us who read at least a half-dozen different comic book titles every month, from a variety of publishers.  For instance:

As the end of the year approached, the impossible happened and for December DC, buoyed by orders for David Finch’s The Dark Knight topped marketshare over Marvel in terms of dollars for the first time since Superman karked it, though Marvel still kept the title for individual comics sold.

See?  Interesting*!


  1. hey judd

    funny that holding the line means making more by selling less.

  2. I suppose, but I appreciate the effort. If sacrificing two pages frees up an extra buck I can use to pick up more titles, then I'm all for it. And I'll probably use it to buy more DC titles. And hey, DC's bringing back the letters pages! How awesome is that?

  3. letters great, u should become the new tm maple

    i just thought it was funny that dc made more money but sold less books, then they say they are going to hold the line

  4. What's a tm maple?

    Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, that is weird. I wonder if they'll reverse the trend this year like Johnston seems to suggest, selling more and making less.

  5. Oop, nevermind. There's a wikipedia page about him. That would be kind of cool, actually...
