Coolest news first; ladies and gentlemen, we have antimatter! Which, apparently we've actually been able to create for a while now, but never for more than an instant or two.
Scientists have long been able to create individual particles of antimatter such as anti-protons, anti-neutrons and positrons – the opposite of electrons. Since 2002, they have also managed to lump these particles together to form anti-atoms, but until recently none could be trapped for long enough to study them, because atoms made of antimatter and matter annihilate each other in a burst of energy upon contact.
Me being the comic book fan that I am, I naturally start thinking of the Anti Monitor as the next logical step in the antimatter journey.
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Anti Monitor! |
A copyright lawsuit between the estates of Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and Warner Bros. is once again moving forward. The outcome of this case should finally answer the question of who actually owns one of the most iconic creations in American history. Not to mention set up a precedent for pretty much EVERY other creator/publisher conflict in comic books. Which could potentially cause chaos on a heretofore unseen level. Should be interesting. (I first read about this on Bleeding Cool, for the record.)
NPR is still under fire for, well, firing Juan Williams. They were the first on the "American Idol, but with Really Important Ramifications," choose-your-own-defund-adventure thing that the Republicans have been working on. Thankfully, the sneaky defund play was tidily defeated by the lame duck Democratic majority still in the House. A movement to defund after the new year could be a whole different story. Hopefully they'll have forgotten about NPR by then and will be back to just hating minorities in general.
It may snow this weekend here in Bellingham. Possibly even tonight. Goddammit.
Also in Bellingham, it looks like City Council's going to push the implementation of "traffic safety cameras" onto a half-dozen areas. They're expected to make an announcement next Monday during the scheduled meeting. I gotta say, as someone who's been covering this story pretty closely, this really doesn't sound like a good idea. The monthly operating costs on each of these cameras alone is equivalent to a decent middle-income salary, and it's all going out the door to third-party contractors in Arizona. Not to mention that both sides of the local political spectrum seem pretty united against the cameras. This probably won't end well.
So that's what got my attention today. What'd I miss?
Warner should own Superman
ReplyDeleteRepublicans hate minorities?
Whats wrong with snow?
I thought you lived in a liberal place, safety cameras sound a little overbearing.
if they keep messin with antimatter aint much gonna matter.
other news
if you pour cocacola on pork the worms leave the meat
okc thunder beat boston at boston with durant and green
have you seen the latest newsweek cover, probably pissing off hindus
I'm kind of siding with the creators on this one. It'd definately be a blow to the franchise, but there'd be no Supes at all without Seigel and Shuster.
ReplyDeleteLike the Simpsons helicoptor said: "Fox News: Not racist, but #1 with racists"
It's a pretty liberal community. But the more exposure the camera issue gets, the more nonpartisan it becomes.
Snow in itself isn't so bad. Snow + hills + no snow plows anywhere = fucking nightmare. I spent nine hours on the road sliding around all over the place. It was like an episode of Ice Road Truckers, but with flowers.
My girlfriend's mom used to marinate meat in coke. Gave it an interesting sweet taste. Didn't know about the worms though.
Oh yeah, that team you stole from us. That's okay. It sounds like we might be stealing the Rockets or maybe the Spurs.
Haven't seen it yet, but I'll look.
Just saw the cover. Ha! I think the only people it'll offend are Dan Brown fans.