1. Write out some decent New Year resolutions.
2. Make "regular blog updates" somewhere high up on the list.
So daily updates are just too much for me. It puts far too large a dent into my designated procrastination time. But two or three a week? Yeah, I can handle that. Hopefully.
Below are the latest two episodes of "Advanced Common Sense," the best damn comics review video show out there. Also the only damn comics review video show out there, as far as I know. It's been a while since I checked in on ACS. I was pleasantly surprised to see the average amount of viewers per episode had doubled on the latest installment. Yessirree, episode six had a whopping three thousand views. Chubby kid with a broom handle it ain't, but it's a start.
Advanced Common Sense, Episode 5
Advanced Common Sense, Episode 6
It's getting harder to seperate the sarcasm from the enthusiasm as Stone churns more of these things out. But the lightning rounds are consistantly hilarious.