The Good, the Bad, the New Mutants. Here are the issues I've been reading over the past two weeks:
The Sword # 17
This is the type of comic that was made for collected editions. And I’m not making a comment on the quality of the book when I say that. It’s the pacing I’m concerned with. It’s slow. Slooow. Which is fine, I like stories that take their time, building as they go. But a deliberate buildup and comprehensive examination of the situation can be a hindrance when you’re confined to 22 pages on a monthly basis. For the most part, creators the Luna brothers have been up to the task, blending pacing with quality story-telling. But this is the third issue (I think) of the same fight, with no end in sight. Granted, when this chunk of “The Sword” is collected in trade, reading all seven or eight issues at once will no doubt be a treat. But individually, staying interested on a fight that takes three to five months from beginning to end is kind of asking a lot.
The New Avengers # 53
Writer Brian Michael Bendis faked me out on this one. I thought I knew who the new Sorcerer Supreme was going to be, and then he went in a totally different direction (although, admittedly a cool direction). But then, just as I’m warming to the idea of the idea of Damion “Son of Satan” Hellstrom being the new SS, Bendis throws another curve and goes back to my original guess. I won’t give away who the new SS is, but needless to say I’m very happy with the choice. And also now hopeful that Hellstrom will get some more comics coverage, he’s one of those forgotten gems from Marvel’s Bronze Age past.
The one thing I really miss in this issue is the lack of Chris Bachalo art. He’s been one of my favorites since the early days of “Generation X,” and it was a real treat to see him contribute to the past few issues of “New Avengers.” Billy Tan, the other artist, is okay I guess. But he doesn’t hold a candle to the detail Bachalo invests in his work.
Green Lantern #41
Did I miss something? Since when is Peter David writing Green Lantern?
David’s not actually writing this issue, but from the climatic end of this issue of Agent Orange vs. Hal Jordan, you could have fooled me. I’ll spare you all the snide remarks about how this is just yet another issue of filler while we all wait for “Darkest Night” to kick off next month. I’ll just say that this issue was entertaining for filler. The art was decent, the greedy warthog people were amusing. Now let’s make with the “Darkest Night” already!
Avengers: The Initiative #24
I’ve noticed a somewhat disturbing trend in my comic book reading. There are several titles I regularly read which are just fucking awful. And yet, every month I throw down three more dollars to see where the awfulness is going now. A case of repressed comic book sadomasochism? Who knows.
In fairness, “The Initiative” isn’t as bad as, say, “Green Arrow-Black Canary,” or some of the final few issues of “New Warriors.” It’s just kind of blah. I’ve got nothing invested in the characters, none of their actions affect me as a reader in the slightest. This series is just mundane. It’s not terrible (yet), but “The Initiative” should have quit while it was ahead. I.E., just before “Secret Invasion.”
Wolverine #72
This was the best issue of “Old Man Logan” to date. Too bad it’s also the last to come out in the regular series. All I can say is that the Giant-Sized special which is supposed to wrap things up will have its hands full.
OML is a really cool story. Writer Mark Millar has a great little thing going with his post-apocalyptic Marvel Universe, full of all kinds of sweet ideas and innovations. And artist Steve McNiven is currently one of the best artists in the industry. The guy’s just fucking amazing. I totally don’t mind the occasional shipping delay caused by McNiven taking his time to deliver quality art, and that’s really rare for me.
But the thing that kills me about OML is the lopsided pacing. Out of the entire seven-part run of OML, four and a half to five issues were nothing but exposition. Granted, it was cool exposition; Millar’s vision of a world several generations after super villains exterminated pretty much all the heroes on the planet and divvied up North America is fascinating. The art, like I said, is absolutely gorgeous. But nothing important in relation to the story (Logan and a blind Hawkeye driving across North America in the Spider-Mobile so that Hawkeye can sell some drugs and Logan can pay his rent) happened throughout the majority of Millar’s run. Part one sets up the plot, part five reveals why Logan’s a pacifist, and part seven restores the old man back to his former self. Everything else was filler. Great filler, like I said, but filler. Now, seven issues later, OML is an issue away from being over and it’s only just now gotten really, really interesting. OML would have been so much better if Millar had only condensed those seven issues into about three. Maybe four. Either that, or he should have taken a page from J. Michael Straczynski’s magnificent ongoing run on “Thor,” and matched drawn-out and satisfying exposition with drawn-out and satisfying plot.
“Snikt.” Dammit, what a waste!
The Incredible Hercules #129
Ye gods, this is a great book. The plot’s solid; the dialogue is humorous, sharp and engaging. Title character Hercules and sidekick Cho are fleshed out and appealing. Writers Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente do a fantastic job blending ancient Greek myth (specifically the Hercules mythos) in with modern Marvel Universe continuity. This is a comic I consistently look forward to reading every month, and the latest issue is no exception.
My only complaint with this issue is a complaint with the Marvel Universe (and what the hell, the DC Universe too) in general. Herc and Cho travel to Hades in an effort to fetch Zeus from the underworld and throw him out in front of Hera, the current leader of the Olympus Group. Thing is, Hades is boring. The only dead superheroes in the Marvel Universe are the crappy B-listers (ditto to the DCU). I mean, the only two major heroes Herc and Cho encounter are Wasp and Banshee, and deeming either a “major hero” is a serious stretch. And the cast of dead villains assembled by Hades to go up against Herc and Cho at the end are equally embarrassing. Jack-O-Lantern, for chrissakes?! It makes me yearn for the early 2000’s at Marvel, when , as whatsisname put it, “dead means dead.”
Other than that, great book.
New Mutants #2
Sure enough, no mention whatsoever about how Legion’s suddenly alive and well and the same age after being killed by Bishop in the 50s. And why the fuck is Sunspot dressing like an 18-year-old trust fund kid. This was the guy who ran his own branch of X-Corps and the fucking Hellfire Club! Gah! I really hate this title. Some crappy new mutant was chased around and small-town southerners were stereotyped into violent shotgun-wielding hillbillies (when in fact only 60 percent fall into that category). Then Sam flew through some stuff. Suck. Moving on.
Agents of Atlas #5, 6

The shipping schedule on this book is really throwing me off. I bought issues five and six back to back, but I’m not sure if that’s how they were actually released. Oh well. Two more really solid issues from a really solid book. Sarcastic gorillas, death-dealing robots, and cameos by first the New Avengers and then Namor the Sub-Mariner. Jimmy Woo and gang continue to front as an evil criminal empire, all the while working to subvert and destroy Norman Osborne from behind the scene. Their confrontation with the New Avengers was fun, and not your normal crossover fight-then-talk-about-it scenario. The Namor issue was equally interesting, with Venus’ mesmerizing voice having a rather odd affect on a couple of listeners. The art in both issues was stellar, most significantly in issue six when used to portray the new undersea home of the Atlanteans. Just good stuff in general, I highly recommend “Agents of Atlas.”
The Mighty Avengers #25

I’m still on the fence as to whether or not I like this new team of U.N. sanctioned Avengers. The revamped Pym is cool. U.S. Agent is not. Herc and Cho, good; Kid Vision and whatever the daughter of Ant Man’s called, not so much. Quicksilver, awful. Writer Dan Slott just totally dismissed all the character development Peter David put Quicksilver through in “X-Factor.” Slott replaced the newfound depth and complexity of the character with unexplainably restored powers and typecast arrogance.
This issue’s worth picking up, just to read the brutal exchange between Pym and Mr. Fantastic. Not sure how that got past Marvel editorial, but it made me laugh out loud.
Dark Avengers #5
Christ, there are just too many Avengers books out at the moment. Although “Dark Avengers,” featuring villains dressed up as heroes and led by Green Goblin/Iron Patriot (what a great name) is one of the better Avengers titles out there. This issue serves as the bad guy rebuttal for an issue of “New Avengers” a few months ago, when Clint Barton went on live television, proclaiming that Osborn and company are actually the scum of the earth, and probably shouldn’t be essentially in charge of security of the USA. Osborn’s own televised response to Barton’s accusations was very well done, I thought. Writer Brian Michael Bendis lent Osborn’s response that particular “let me break it down for you” rationale made famous by politicians taking an issue and morphing it into something else entirely with just a few words. Osborn is like Oklahoma’s Jim Inhofe, but with weird hair. A fun issue, especially if you’re a fan of primetime cable news networks.
Batman and Robin #1
I have two copies of this book. That right there should tell you how much I loved this first issue. Granted, my comic book shop was running a really weird promotion where subscribers who bought “Batman and Robin” got a second free copy of the title, but still. This was such a badass book that I probably would have bought a second copy anyway.
Grant Morrison has returned to the Batman mythos! Morrison’s triumphant return has made “Battle for the Cowl” obsolete faster than you can say “Countdown.”
I like the reversed dynamic here of the new Batman and Robin. Instead of a serious Batman and lighthearted sidekick, Morrison gives us a patient and bemused Dick Grayson as Batman and an arrogant and fanatical Damien Wayne as Robin. It’s a fun reversal. As of one issue, Dick seems to wear the pointy ears well this time; it’s plain to see he’s no Bruce Wayne, but he’s a fitting successor. Damien’s a little prick, kind of a miniature and more arrogant Bruce Wayne stuck in the body of a 13-year-old kid. Quitely’s art is spectacular. I really like the slightly customized costumes on both characters. The batmobile hover-car will take some getting used to, but I don’t hate it. Villains linked to the circus is a good symbolic choice for Dick’s first adventure as Batman, considering his own childhood. But the part that I loved the most was the teaser for upcoming issues at the end of the book. Dr. Hurt’s making a comeback, baby! Let the Black Glove shenanigans begin!
Worst comic of the past two weeks: New Mutants #2.
Best comic of the past two weeks: Batman and Robin #1.
So what did you guys think of the past two weeks of comic book goodness? Anything phenomenal that I’m missing out on? Did I slam anything you’re enjoying? Do you think Marvel’s gonna bring back Steve Rogers already?